Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Behind and I apologize

Running (pun) behind on updating this blog. I've found FaceBook and have realized I need to restrict myself to no more than 30 minutes of FB each night.

Let's see...what have I been doing....oh, RUNNING! I'm sure some folks consider my pacing to be more of a jog than of a run and that's ok if they feel that way. All I know is that I'm able to do something faster than walking and go quite a long way doing it. For example, on MLK day I did a 16 miler. Three days later I did a speed workout where I did 4x1600m with 800m jogs in between with a mile warmup on the front end and a mile cooldown on the tail end. Then, Sunday I did my first 20 mile training run....my longest distance since Snickers 2008. The more I train the more I'm starting to believe I'm cutout for the half marathon distance. My splits look good through 13-14 miles everytime I go beyond 13 on a run....hmmmm....i'll worry about that after Snickers. It's only five weeks away!

My buddy Tim is an official Marathon Maniac and what better person to wear a maniac shirt than Tim. :) He achieved this milestone upon completing the 2009 Museum of Aviation Marathon on the 17th of January. It was an almost perfect day. It needed to be in the high 30s or low 40s....NOT the low 20s with a breeze. But, everyone seemed to handle it well. I heard many people coming up to the water stop at mile 6 where I was taking pictures say something about their gel packs being frozen or at least crunch.

I'm taking the clan to Tallahassee this weekend. We are shooting the Tallahassee Marathon on Sunday. My oldest daughter celebrates her 15th birthday on Saturday so it will be fun being together on her birthday.

Track practices begin next week at Central Fellowship where my daughters go. I'm an assistant coach again because I enjoy being around the kids and helping them improve. It should be fun. We have a lot of JV runners again this year and thats a good thing. We'll see how things pan out for us.

nite nite everyone...